Amy Wan » About Me

About Me

Hello Families!
Thank you for stopping by my page! If you are reading this, I am happy you are here. I am proud to be a teacher here at Quincy Jones Elementary School! I have been teaching for 23 years and still continue to grow professionally every year. I am inspired every day by the kind hearted young people I work with and the most exciting part about being a professional educator is seeing that lightbulb go on with the dedicated efforts and resilience my awesome students bring to school every single day.
I received my Bachelor of Arts from University of Southern California (Go Trojans!) and Master of Arts in Early Childhood & Elementary Education from New York University. I studied British approaches to Language and Literacy one summer at Oxford University. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher. I recently completed a two year ethnic studies program with UCLA which challenged my previous understanding of American history and I am grateful for this opportunity because it makes me a better educator. I also love teaching UCLA's Cognitive Guided Instruction (CGI) in mathematics. 
The Conscious Kid recently gifted me a mountain of books that foster an anti-bias lens on the world and resist the injustice and inequity that exists in our communities. So far, our class loved reading about Nina Simone and Ramadan. Thank you also to Challenge America for gifting me a classroom set of yoga mats and Donors Choose for Lego robotics sets! 
When I'm not teaching, I am hiking, rollerblading along the LA River with my ten-year-old, doing Pilates, meditating or reading a good book.
Feel free to email or text me via ClassDojo!